Thursday 20 April 2017

History of India

Indias history and culture is ancient and dynamic, spanning back to the beginning of human civilization.

Indian History in Short:-

History of IndiaThe History of India begins with the Indus Valley Civilization, which spread through in the north-western part of the Indian subcontinent, from 3300 BC to 1300 BC. This Bronze Age civilization collapsed at the beginning of the second millennium BC and was followed by the Iron Age Vedic period, which extended over much of the Indo-Gangetic plains and which witnessed the rise of kingdoms known as the Mahajanapadas.

In the fifth century, large parts of India were united under Ashoka. He also converted to Buddhism, and it is in his reign that Buddhism spread to other parts of the Asia. In the reign of Mauryas, Hinduism took shape fundamentally.

In the eight century Islam came to India and by the 11th century it firmly established itself in India. The North Indian dynasties of the Lodhis, Tughlaqs, and numerous others, whose remains are visible in Delhi and scattered elsewhere around North India, were finally succeeded by the Mughal empire, under which India once again achieved a large measure of political unity.

The European presence in India date to the seventeenth century, and it is in the latter part of this century that the Mughal empire began to disintegrate, paving the way for regional states. 

During the first half of the 20th century, a natiowide struggle for independence was launched by the Indian National Congress, and later joined by the Muslim League. The subcontinent gained independence from Great Britain in 1947, after being partitioned into the dominions of India and Pakistan. 

The History of India can be broadly divided into following three categories. 
  • Ancient India
  • Starting from Harappa Civilization in 3000 BC till Chola Dynasty in 985 AD.


    History of IndiaThe ancient civilization of India grew up in a sharply demarcated sub-continent bounded on the north by the world's largest mountain range-the chain of the Himalayas, which, with its extensions to east and west, divided India from the rest of Asia and the world.
    The long sea coasts of India facilitated the growth of maritime trade and a large number of harbours were established through which trade relations with Rome, China, Malaya, South East Asian archipelago were set up. India's centralised position in Indian Ocean is also of great strategic and economic importance.
    India is a curious meeting place of diverse religions, races, manners and customs. From the point of religion, India is the home of the Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Jains, Sikhs and the Paris. Diversity is also to be seen in the languages of the Indian people. From the points of view of race, religions, language, manners and customs, the Indians constitute a composite population.
    In ancient literature, mention is found of five natural divisions of India:-
    1. Madhyadesa,i.e. Indo Gangetic plain stretcing from the valley of the river Saraswat to the Rajmahal Hill. This division has been known as Aryavarta from the ancient times.
    2. Uttarapatha or Udichya i.e. North-West India
    3. Pratichyaor Aparanta i.e. Western India
    4. Dakshinapatha or Dakshinatya i.e. the area south of Madhyadesa
    5. Prachya or Purvadesa, the region east of Madhyadesa
    The course of history is also shaped through geographical factors, such as geology, climate, etc. The study of Indian physiography, therefore, can be classified into three territorial compartments, such as the northern plains of the Indus and Ganga basin, the Deccan plateau lying to the south of the Narmada and to the north of Krishna and Tungabhadra rivers and the far south Tamil states. Rivers made the irrigation easier by continuous supply of perennial water to this tract which includes the states of Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan.
    The horizontal and vertical excavations have helped uncover the period-wise sequences of cultres and of ancient remains. Excavations have brought to light the cities which the people established around 2500 BC. They also reveal the layouts of the settlements in which people lived, the types of pottery they used, the form of house in which people dwelt, the kind of food they ate, and the types of implements they used. The vast variety of rich vegetation and congenial regular weather chain suited the human habitat and the pages of history and replete with the stories of their linux. The Mahajanapadas attracted the risings of smaller states. As early as in 5th century BC, Herodotus observed that "of all the nations, that we know, it is India has the largest population."
  • Medieval India
  • Starting from Ghazni sacks Somnath Temple in 1026 AD till Siraj-ud-daulah captures Calcutta (Now Kolkatta) in 1756 AD.
    Following are some of the Sources of Medieval Indian History
    • Tajur Masir - Hassan Nizami : This is the first historical narrative of which deals with the beginning of the Muslim rule in India. The author gives in detail the military exploits of Qutobuddin Aibek from 1192 to 1206. The author does not mention Aram Shah but describes the events of Iltutmish's regin up to 1217.

    • Tabquat i Narisi - Minhajus Siraj : Siraj produced an elaborate history of the Islamic world in twenty-three compact volumes or books. He starts with the account of the earlier prophets and aneestors of Mohammad.

    • Each of his subsequent books is devoted to the history of the caliphs and Muslim rulers of various countries and periods.

    • Works of Amir Kusrau : Amir Khusrau was the first and by far the most prominent representive of Indo-Muslim culture of early medieval India. His major works include Qiran us Sa'adain, Miftahed Futuh, Khazainul Futuh, Dewal Rani, Khisly Khani, Nuh Sipir and Tughluq Nama. Quiran us Sa'adain gives an eye-witness account of the meeting that took place in Oudh between Sultan Kaigubad and his father Bughra Kha, the governor of Bengal.

    • Dewal Rani Khizr Khani entitled Ashiqa, narrates the romantic story of Khizr Khan, son of Alauddin Khilzi and Dewal Rani, the daughter of Rana Karan of Gujarat. Nuh Sipir is the poetic composition which deals with the region of Mubarak Shah Khilji, the successor of Alauddin Khilhji.

    • Tughluq Nama was composed by Amir Khusrau to commemorate the victory of Ghisuddin Tughluq over Khurram Khan (1320 AD), leading to the establishment of a new ruling dynasty.

    • Tarikh i Firoze Shahi - Ziauddin barani : This work preserves the history of the Delhi Sultanat for the period 1259 to 1352; it gives the histoy of nine rulers from Balban to Firoze Shah Tughluq. Barani's write up including the narrative of Firoze Tughluq, constitutes a standard a standard work of history, which establishes his reputation as premier historain of his age.

    • Fatawa I Jahandari-Barani: It is a complementary volume to the Tarikh i Firoze Shahi. In this book, the author recapitulates and futher elaborates the political philosophy of the sultnate on the basis of his earlier narrative.

    • Firoze Tughluq's Authobiography : Sultan Firoze Shan Tughluq has left a brochure of thirty two pages in autobiographical writing, called Futuhat i Firoze Shahi: it give a brief summary of his military compaigns, some of which failed to produce the desired results.

    • Tarikh i Forize Shahi - Shams i Siraj Afif: The book is devoted exclusively to the reign of Firoze Tughluq and constitutes the most accurate and authentic contemporary account of his times. The book is unique in sense that it also describes the life and conditions of the people at large.

    • Tuzuk i Mubarak Shahi - Yahaya bin Ahmed Sirhindi This is the only contemporary source discovered so far on the history of the Sayyad dynasty(1414-51). The book begins with the rise of the Ghori dynasty and the conquest of the northern India by the turns.

    • Futuhus Salatin - Khwaja Abdullah Malik Isami This work was written in 1349-50, on the Turkish rule in India from the Ghaznavids to Muhmmad bin Tughluq.

    • Kitab ur Rehla -Ibn batuttaIbn batutta was an Arab traveler and adventure frm Morocoo. His book is a primary source of history of the region of Muhmmad bin Tughluq it throws ligh on the socio-political condition of his times.

    Historiography :The study and method of writing history is called historiography. Medieval India History was predominantly court centric and generally took no note of the world beyond the royal durbar. The noble courtiers used to account the history e.g. Abul Fazl's Akbarnama
    Early Turkish Rulers (1206-1290)
    Qutbuddin Aibak1206 - 1210
    Shamsuddin1210 - 1236
    Raziya1236 - 1240
    Ghiyasuddin Balban1266 - 1287
  • Modern India
  • Starting from Battle of Plassy in 1757 Till Partition of India and Independence on 15 August 1947.
    Modern IndiaStories of India's wealth from travellers and other sources tempted the European nations to discover the sea route to India for trade. The Portuguese were the pioneers in this effort. In 1498, Vasco de Gama discovered the sea route to India and reached Calicut(now Kozhikode).

    His discovery made the Portuguese to be the first among the European nations to trade with India and found settlements along the coasts. Following them were the Dutch, the English, the Danes and the French. Eventually the English and the French were left in the field to contend for the Indian Trade. Not content with trade only their ambitions took a turn to achieve political power and the conditions that followed the decline of Mughal Empire offered them a golden opportunity to fish in the troubled waters.

Important industries of India

  1. Iron and steel industry
    • First steel industry at Kulti, Near Jharia, West Bengal - Bengal iron works company in 1870.
    • First large scale steal plant TISCO at Jamshedpur in 1907 followed by IISCO at Burnpur in 1919. Both belonged to private sector
    • The first public sector unit was "Vishveshvaraya Iron and Stell works" at Bhadrawati.
  2. Public sector steel plants
    • Russian government -
      Bhilai(MP)Russian government
      Durga[ir(WB)British government
      Burnpur(WB)Acquired from private sector in 1976
      Vishakhapattnam(AP)Russian government
      Salem(Tamil Nadu)-
      Vijai Nagar(Karnataka)
      Bhadrawati(Karnataka)nationalisation of Vishveshvarayya Iron and Steel Ltd(owned by Central and State government)
    • all these are managed by SAIL(at present all important steel plants except TISCO, are under public sector)
    • steel authority of India Ltd(SAIL) was established in 1974 and was made responsible for the development of the steel industry
    • Presently India is the eighth largest steel producing country in the world.
  3. Jute industry
    • Jute industry is an important industry for a country like India, because not only it earns foreign exchange but also provides substantial employment opportunities in agriculture and industrial sectors
    • Its first modernised industrial unit was established at Reshra in West Bengal in 1855
    • The jute industry in the country is traditionally export oriented. India ranks number one in the raw jute and juite goods production and number two in export of jute goods in the world.
  4. Cotton and textile industry
    • Oldest industry of India, and employees largest number of workers
    • It is the largest organised and broad-based industry which accounts for 4% of GDP, 20% of manufacturing value-added and one third of total export earnings.
    • The first Indian modernised cotton cloth mill was established in 1818 at Fort Gloaster near Calcutta but this mill was not successful. The second mill named "Mumbai's spinning and weaving Co." Was established in 1854 at Bombay by KGN Daber.
  5. Sugar industry
    • Sugar industry is the second largest industry after cotton textile industry among agriculture-based industries in India.
    • India is now the largest producer and consumer of sugar in the world. Maharashtra contributes over one third of the total sugar output, followed closely by Uttar Pradesh.
  6. Fertilizer industry
    • India is the third largest producer of nitrogenous fertilizers in the world.
  7. Paper industry
    • The first mechanised paper mill was set up in 1812 at Serampur in West Bengal.
    • The paper industry in India is ranked among the 15 top global paper industries.
  8. Silk industry
    • India is the second-largest(first being China) country in the world in producing natural silk. At present, India produces about 16% silk of the world.
    • India and joys that distinction of being the only country producing all the five known commercial varieties of silk viz Mulberry, Tropical Tussar, Oak Tussar, Eri and Muga.
  9. Petroleum and natural gas
    • First successful Oilwell was dug in India in 1889 at Digboi, Assam.
    • at present a number of regions having oil reserves have been identified and oil is being extracted in these regions
    • for exploration purpose , Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) was established in 1956 at Dehradun, Uttarakhand

Saturday 15 April 2017

Indian Traditions

Punjabi, Marathi, Bihari, Bengali, Assamese, Nepali, Gujrati, Kashmiri…. Though India consists of diverse ethnic races and groups and each of them strictly adhere to their own set of customs and tradition, yet there is a common lifestyle pattern followed by almost all the Indians. This, despite the fact that there is so much variation in their language, dressing style and custom! Read on to know about the life of people in the country and what traits put them together under the brand 'India': 

Joint Family System 

A majority of the people in India prefer to live in a joint family, which could comprise anywhere between a group of two or more members to even over 20 members sometimes. As per the Indian way of living, the commanding position in a family is held by the eldest earning male member. He consults other adult members on important issues, but it is his decision that ultimately prevails. However, a lot of importance is also given to the advice of the eldest retired members of the family. 

Women as Homemaker 

As per the lifestyle of the Indian people, it is the duty of a woman to take care of her home. As such, from her very childhood, a girl child is taught to rustle up mouth-watering dishes by her mother and other ladies in her family. She is also taught to attend to guests and strangers politely and elegantly because it is thought to greatly reflect upon her upbringing. Hers is a 24x7 job, yet she manages to execute it smoothly and is respected for this quality. 
Samsung Galaxy M31


Worshiping is an important part of the daily life of Indian people. You will find the holy basil tulsi planted in maximum houses, which people water as well as worship everyday religiously. Many Indians are associated to various religious sects and attend weekly gatherings to listen to the sermons. Apart from temples, mosques and gurdwaras, there will also invariably be a personal place for worship, and pictures of Gods and Goddesses, in every house in India. 

Respecting Elders 

One common trait you will find amongst Indians is that children show utmost respect to their elders. Now this is one habit all Indian parents deliberately inculcate in their children, since beginning. It is an unsaid rule in India that a person cannot answer back to elders and more so, when he/she is at fault. It is deemed disrespectful in India to refer to an elder by his / her name. Instead people prefer calling them uncle and aunt, especially if the person is very elderly. It is also customary in India for the youngsters to touch the feet of their elders as a way of greeting as well as on important occasions.Read more at 

Thursday 13 April 2017

Information about Gemstone (Ratna)-2

Moti/Pearl (Chandra/Moonstone) 

Formation of a pearl inside a pearl oyster occurs because of the presence of foreign material inside the body of the oyster. To save itself from the undesired material the mollusk coats the object with layer after layer of nacre. It takes many years for a mollusk to produce a pearl of substantial size. The process through which the pearls are formed inside the body of the mollusk is very delicate, and a little disturbance at any stage of development of a pearl can influence its shape and lustre. The finest pearl is that which has no foreign matter in its core. Pearls are obtained from eight sources, which are Sky Pearl, Cobra Pearl, Bamboo Pearl, Hog Pearl, Elephantine Pearl, Conch Pearl, Fish Pearl and Oyster Pearl.

Following are the general properties of Gemstone 
  • Planet: Moon
  • Cosmic Color: Orange
  • Sign: Cancer
  • Element: Water
  • Time: Evening
  • Day: Monday
  • Metal: Silver
 Signs of well-placed Gemstone 
  • Balanced emotional life
  • Good memory
  • Emotions under control
  • The native will have good affluence, good fortune, recognition and fame.
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases 
  • Eye diseases, lunacy, paralysis, hysteria, epilepsy, cold, cough.
  • Throat troubles, asthma, bronchitis, varicose loins, nervous debility, cancer, typhoid.
  • Colic pains, worms, intestinal disorders, tumors, peritonitis.
A genuine pearl is supposed to have the following qualities 
  • Smoothness, which gives an agreeable sensation to the eyes
  • Lustre, soft glamor, attractiveness and brilliance of reflection
  • Moonlike, shining white color
  • Spotlessness and freedom from blemishes (dents, scratches, ridges) and impurities.
  • Perfectly round, globular shape and size
  • Compactness, which gives it a high specific gravity.
One who wears or possesses a pearl with all of the above mentioned qualities enjoys good fortune and is blessed by the goddess Lakshmi (the goddess of prosperity), lives long and becomes sinless, and obtains vitality and intelligence. He achieves high position by his wisdom and becomes famous.

A pearl with a yellow lustre brings prosperity. Red-tinted pearls make one intelligent, shining white pearls bring fame, and a pearl with a bluish hue brings good fortune.

A pearl devoid of lustre, that is, dirty, broken, having no gleam of circulating water, black or copper colored, partly white and partly colored, irregular, odd in shape having holes, dents, or sports is defective and should be avoided.

Pukharaj / Yellow Supphire (Guru/Jupiter)
Pukhraj(Yellow sapphire)
A gem of the corundum family, yellow sapphire is a twin of ruby and blue sapphire. It is found in yellow, golden, and orange colors, as well as in a colorless variety known as white sapphire. The best gem is said to be of lemon-yellow color.

Following are the general properties of Gemstone -->

Planet: Jupiter
Cosmic Color: Light Blue
Sign: SagittariusPisces
Element: Ether
Time: Sunset
Day: Thursday
Metal: Yellow Gold

Signs of well-placed Gemstone

  • Wealth, name, fame, success and honor
  • Good children and grandchildren
  • Wisdom, longevity
  • Happiness
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :

  • catarrh, circulation of blood in the arteries and fat in the body.
  • disorders of pancreas, tumors, skin troubles, cerebral congestion.
  • Liver complaints, jaundice, dropsy, flatulence, dyspepsia, abscess.
  • Self-luminous quality: it should emit light all over its surface
  • Regular shape
  • Solidity, hardness
  • Uniformity of color, without any layers
  • Evenness in surface, without any variations in thickness
  • Smooth feel
  • Transparency, which makes it clean and pure
  • Rich velvety lustre that can be seen with the naked eye
  • Heaviness or high specific gravity that can be felt when placed on the palm.
  • Pleasant appearance

Neelam/Blue Sapphire (Shani/Saturn)

Neelam(Blue Sapphire)
The blue sapphire is a gem of the corundum family. Sometimes white sapphires, rubies, and blue sapphires are found in the same mine, and that is why there is a mixture of colors in the crystals of these gems. Ruby is harder than white sapphire (known as pukhraj), and blue sapphire is harder than ruby and it is hardest of all.

Following are the general properties of Gemstone
Planet: Saturn
Cosmic Color: Violet
Sign: CapricornAquarius
Time: Sunset

Signs of well-placed Gemstone

  • Govern leadership and perfection, highest human qualities
  • Long life
  • Wisdom, integrity, discipline, spiritual achievement trough humility, patience, dedication and non-attachment.
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases :
  • Paralysis, asthma, rheumatisms, teeth problems, bones problems.

  • Solid and compact body
  • Color similar to that of the neck of a peacock, or a velvety corn-flower-blue
  • High specific gravity
  • Uniformity in color
  • Smoothness
  • Good cut and nice shape
  • Brilliance, exhibiting a star-like effect from inside when viewed in reflected light, emitting rays of light from inside
  • Transparence

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Information about Gemstone (Ratna)-1

Coral is a calcareous, skeleton-like deposit of the coral polyp- a tiny invertebrate that dwells in quiet waters and is found at depths ranging from 20 to 1,000 feet. The color of coral depends on the depth at which it is found - below 160 feet its color is light. The best-colored corals are found between depths of 100 and 160 feet. It is found in many shades of red and pink. The color usually ranges from white to pink to vermilion red and deep scarlet. Corals of yellow ocher, cream, chocolate and black color are also available. A good coral that is related to the planet Mars and recommended by astrologers, gem therapists and jewelers is a deep red coral, which resembles well-ripened bimb fruit or an unripe cherry.
Following are the general properties of Gemstone 
  • Planet:Mars
  • Cosmic Color:Yellow
  • Sign:AriesScorpio
  • Element:Earth
  • Time:Sunrise
  • Day:Tuesday
  • Metal:Yellow Gold and Copper

Signs of well-placed Gemstone 

  • Courage, charisma, leadership
  • Ambition
  • Acquiring properties
  • Physical strength, forcefulness
  • Great energy and motivation
  • Mechanical and technical jobs
  • Rapid advancement and success

The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases 

  • General diseases of the blood, muscular system, bone marrow.
  • Eruptions of the face and body.
  • Cuts, burns, bruises.


  • Smooth
  • Round or oval shape.
  • Free of dents, holes, or perforations
  • Shininess and the quality of emitting honey-like, lovely and delicate splendor.
  • Regular shape and even surface
  • Deep red color.
  • Large, with proportionate thickness
  • Heavier than average corals of its size.

Diamond (Shukra/Venus Stone)

Most attractive to the eyes, the diamond is famous for its play of colors. It emits a very delicate bluish, reddish, or a mixture of blue and red radiance of glittering luster when exposed to light. The gem is luminous and dazzling, and emits sparks of light. A fine diamond is effulgent, radiant, and delightful. It is as soothing to the eyes as the Moon; it is lovely and magnificent and has the self-luminous quality of a clear crystal. It is brilliant and radiates rainbows of light all around. Ancient Hindu scriptures mention eight types of diamonds. They are Hanspati, Kamlapati, Vasanti, Vajraneel, Vanaspati, Sbyamvajra, Telia, and Sanloyi. 

Following are the general properties of Gemstone

Planet: Venus

Cosmic Color: White

Sign: TaurusLibra

Element: Water

Time: Sunrise

Day: Friday 

Manik/Ruby: Gemstone of Sun (Surya)

Ruby is a gemstone of the corundum family and is attractive because of its brilliance, if it is crystal clear and transparent. It is found in a variety of crimson and scarlet red colors ranging from pink to a deep ruddy violet color. It has the smooth and delicate luster of clarified butter. The finest quality ruby has a delicate rose color, similar to the eye of a living cuckoo.
  • Regular shape
  • Brilliance
  • Heaviness in weight, high density
  • Color, transparent carmine red with bluish tint like pigeon blood
  • Luster
  • Hardness
  • Silky or milky inclusions
  • Smoothness
  • Transparence

  • Planet: Sun
  • Cosmic Color: Red
  • Sign: Leo
  • ElementFire
  • Time:Sunrise
  • DaySunday
  • Metal: Yellow Gold
ruby stone/manik ratna
Signs of well-placed Gemstone 
  • Royalty, high position in administration
  • Successful activity, authority
  • Creative, vital, resistant, determined and decisive
  • Cheerful outlook, good fortune, ambition to achieve great heights, brilliance, optimism, success in worldly affairs
The gemstone helps to prevent the following diseases 
  • Cerebral meningitis, eruption of the face, typhoid, polypus, epilepsy, bile complaints, sun-stroke, scorches, diseases of the head.
  • Hemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis, heated and bilious constitution.
  • Heart diseases, eye inflammation, low or high blood pressure.

Panna (Emerald)

Emerald is a gemstone of green color belonging to the family of beryl gems. This gemstone is rare because it is very difficult to find a flawless emerald. Most emeralds are defective, having a feather - like crack and inclusions. To find an emerald that is of rich green color, perfectly transparent, with a velvety reflection and high specific gravity is difficult.

Following are the general properties of Gemstone 

Planet: Mercury

Cosmic Color: Green
Sign: GeminiVirgo
Element: Earth
Time: Sunrise
Day: Wednesday


  • Rich green homogeneous color that is deep and pleasant, like a blade of fresh grass.
  • Soothing touch and pleasant sight, which gives peaceful vibrations and captivates the heart.
  • Smoothness that comes when the stone has a fine finish.
  • Compactness, which gives it high specific gravity.
  • Retains its color and lustre in all kinds of lights and shades.
  • Vitreous lustre, radiance, luminescence, brilliance.
  • Fine cut, which illuminates it from all sides.
  • Velvety reflection.
  • Transparence, which makes it rare and costlier than diamonds.

Saturday 8 April 2017

Did Devraha Baba live for 250 years?

In the pantheon of saints and yogis in modern India, one name stands out: Devraha Baba,
who is believed to have lived up to the age of an amazing 250 years. Yes, there is proof that he was indeed over 250 when he gave up his body in 1990. But it is not important how long he lived, it is important what level of spirituality he achieved and what he contributed to the society.
For somebody like me of the post-Independence generation, we grew up reading about the living legend named Devraha Baba. There used to be his black and white or sepia photographs -- matted locks and all -  in newspapers and magazines, aloft a ‘machan’ (wooden platform), blessing people, from pauper to the prince, by putting his foot on their heads. Eminent people who sought him out regularly included Mrs Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi, He also ‘touched’ the lives of visiting dignitaries from abroad.
There are various claims of Baba’s longevity, starting from 150 years and above. The most credible account comes from none other than  Dr. Rajendra Prasad,  the first President of Independent India. Dr Prasad wrote in his autobiography that he could personally establish that Devraha Baba was at least 150 years old. At the age of 73, more than fifty years ago, Dr Prasad wrote that his father had sat at the feet of the Baba as a child - that is, in the middle of the nineteenth century - and Devraha Baba was already elderly at that time.

The appearance of Devraha Baba at the Kumbh Mela which takes place every 12 years was recorded 12 times. The last time he was at the Allahabad Kumbh Mela in 1989. Famous BBC correspondent Mark Tully has recorded his observations of the Baba from that Kumbh Mela, which formed a chapter in ‘Penguin Book of Indian Journeys’. Tully was told that one reason for Baba’s amazing longevity was that he was forever in Uddiyana Bandha (literally, ‘upward energy lock’, it moves the energy up from the earth, water and fire centers into the heart or air chakra).
When Tully asked, “What does the Baba eat?” his interlocutor replied: “Air. He does not even eat fruit. You see, any great yogi can extend his tongue from inside until it touches the top of his head. That’s where the nectar is situated and one drop of nectar is all you need to live for a very long time.”
So, a fairly scientific hypothesis of how Baba dramatically prolonged his lifespan is that he drew his required energy from cosmic sources, thus eliminating the toxic fallout (free radicals, etc) that occurs from eating food. Secondly, meditation and a hermit lifestyle lowered his metabolism, minimizing wear and tear in the body. Thirdly, yoga postures and mudras stimulated his endocrine system.    
From most accounts, we know that Devraha Baba was born in the Deoria district in Uttar Pradesh and was the eleventh in the lineage of Sri Ramanuja Acharya who founded Vaishnavism. Though an itinerant yogi, Devraha Baba was often stationed in Mathura on the banks of river Yamuna, where huge crowds would gather to have his darshan and blessings.  

We may never fathom the higher levels of spirituality he achieved, but we can salute what he contributed to the society. His very existence inspired people to believe in and take to the yogic path. All-loving and prescient, he guided people who sought him out on the right course to take in life. Apocryphal anecdotes have him warning famous personalities against impending danger.
One life Yogiraj Devraha Baba transformed is that of Brahmrishi Shri Guruvanand Swami (called ‘Gurudev’ or ‘Guruji’ by his devotees), who in turn is changing the lives of millions in present times. Devraha Baba brought Guruji to his ashram to save his life from a terminal illness. He predicted that Guruji would achieve the pinnacle of spirituality and he will use that divine energy to serve humanity. Yogiraj’s predictions have come true. Guruji has invoked all Chakras of his Kundalini and with 42 years of rigorous Sadhana he has acquired all Siddhis.
Brahmrishi Shri Guruvanand Swami is using the enormous divine energy that he has acquired to help those in distress and to uplift the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. He has traveled to over 170 countries to teach people the art of living a moral, spiritual life. Guruji has made it very easy for us to understand the true meaning of religion so we can overcome our Karmic debts while we fulfill our worldly duties.
The World Spiritual Awareness Forum is delighted that Gurudev will grace the First International Guru Poornima to be held at New Jersey Performing Arts Center, Newark, NJ, on July 12, 2014. This event, that is open to public, is getting very enthusiastic response from all over the world. Over 500 spiritually-inclined attendees are expected from India and other countries.

Manushi Chhillar - Miss World 2017

Manushi Chhillar  (born 14 May 1997) is an Indian model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned  Miss World 2017 . She was previ...