Saturday 8 April 2017

Nangli Sahib Nangli Tirath

Nangli Tirath, a final destination of His Holiness Satguru Swami Shri Nangli Niwasi Bhagwaan ji, a sacred sanctum, is located at Nangli Tirath village in Meerut District and is few kilometers off the Delhi-Haridwar Highway. It houses the holliest grave of Satguru Swami Shri Shri 1008 Shri Swami Swaroopanand Ji Maharaj also called His Holiness Satguru Swami Shri Nangli Niwasi Bhagwaan ji, a saint, who sanctified the village by his visit. The path from the main road to the teerth has 84 turns on it, which symbolizes the mukti (salvation) through eighty four lakh yonis. Thousands of devotees from various parts of India visit this tirath. Shree Nangli Sahib Tirath / Satguru Nagar is Shri Guru Maharaj Ji's abode. This place is situated about 12 K.M away from Sakauti Tanda, one has to go off the main Road of Delhi Dehradun Road. One has to take a right turn on the high way, while facing the dehradun and coming from Delhi, just before the Sakauti Tanda Railway Station.

His Holiness Satguru Swami Shri Nangli niwasi Bhagwaan ji

The Supreme power has bound the nature in a particular system in order to manage the universe. Nothing in the universe is in disorder. Ages over ages passes away but His rules and principles as regards to nature remained untouched inspite of heavily destructions world-wide. The regulations and management of nature has been successfully in operation since inception and this will continue and go on forever unchanged. It is obvious that nature is incessantly managing its work silently as per rules set by its Creator. It surprises the intellectuals and scientists about systematic work of the nature; hence it appears that every particle of this world is bound by some particular rules. In means wherever a thing is demanded, its arrangements are pre- ordained by nature with adequate speed. In spiritualism also, the same principle follows. It has been an age long tradition that Spiritual Knowledge transfuse from one heart to another as a result the Great Souls take human form/birth at a place, at fixed times.

Incarnation of His Holineolor: #333333; text-align: justify;" />Either Creator orders Saint to take birth or sometime the Creator Himself decides to born in human form for particular task. Hence Almighty in the form of Perfect Saint Shri Shri 1008 Swami Swarupanand Ji Maharaj[His Holiness Satguru Swami Shri Nangli niwasi Bhagwaan ji] took birth on the most auspicious day of Basant, on Friday, the 1st Day of Feburary, 1884 A.D., or 20th Magh, Samwat 1940 Bikrami in a reputed Vasudeva family at Teri in Tehsil Banda, in District Kohat of North. West. Frontier. Province., Whose advent was long awaited. The relatives present at that time realized that a divine light appeared in His home as a true message that He would reform and bring about a radical change in ethical and spiritual life. Moreover, there were no signs of weeping as generally when a child is born, instead a sweet smile seen on the beautiful lips of the Divine Child. Revered Lala Prabhu Dayal Ji was His father and Smt. Radha Devi enjoyed the honour of being called His mother.
Teri at that time was experiencing extreme cruelty and utmost injustice, as compared to the rest of the country. The piteous calls of the God loving people approached the Almighty. The Excessiveness of cruel pathans were a routine at that time and even for petty matters they had no fear to shoot or murder with sword. They also used to kidnap hindus for ransom. Therefore He had to make Teri, His birthplace, the moment He touched that piece of earth with His sacred feet, that land becomes celebrated. In view of the above, the Second Guru had chosen to bless the Frontier Province and put the people of that very state on the right path by kindling in them the flame of devotion.

Hindi Quote:-

A“Kulam pavitram jananni kritartha vasundra punyawati ch tain”

English version:-

Fortunate were the parents, the clan and the house where the sun of knowledge, who was destined to shine forth in all the three worlds, appeared.

Mother’s Experience

Sometime before the birth of Second Guru, His mother share experiences used to say, “I never know who plays the flute in my ears and remained attached while listening different spiritual music’s.” As a result, the mother had become munificent by nature. Faquirs and beggars got whatever demanded and if any family member advised her to restraint, she used to say that she was only complying with the orders of someone else as such she was helpless.

Extraordinary Acts of Childhood
The people of Teri impressed by His Divine glory and extraordinary acts, they could not restrain exclaiming that He was an Incarnate (god in human form) and not an ordinary person. Hence He was worshipped in each and every house. The residents of the area were deeply impressed due to His extraordinary virtues, they used to ask Him as to what was there in the fist, and His reply surprised everyone when they found His prediction would come out true. As people would begin to praise He would prefer to avoid wrangle and escape. He used to spend most of His time in meditation. There was divine intoxication in His eyes and a halo of indescribable splendour around his head, which bewitched the hearts of the devotees. These people often told His near relatives that He was surely an accomplished Faquir(Saint) and He was not born to lead the worldly life. They used to invite Second Guru into their homes, expressed their love & devotion, touch feet to realize eternal peace.

Here displaying His few childhood glimpses are only like a drop from the ocean. Various acts of the Second Guru could not be described here, because His extraordinary spiritual powers as well as performances can not be confined to any limits. Those were indeed fortunate people, who were present and had seen such acts and experienced His Divine personality. There is another ‘leela’(act) of His childhood when he was hardly three months old, His revered mother Radha went to a Deity temple to worship, at a hill along with Second Guru and other ladies friends. As she had to go for worship, she laid down Second Guru on a stone nearby. After completing riutals she came out, she was deeply depressed not to find Him there. No whereabouts of Him were noticed in spite of thorough search, several enquiries from her near and dear ones but all were surprised as to where the Divine Child had gone. Mother Radha suspected that some wild animal might have taken Him away. As such, when all their efforts proved disappointing, none in the family take food even for three days due to deep sorrow. After three days, the Pujari of the Temple approached their house and informed that innocent child lying unattended at the Temple balcony. Everyone was overjoyed to listen the good news and later found that the child was none else but whom all of them had been searching for three days. So he rejoicing brought Him home. There was no end to the happiness, performed number of auspicious ceremonies to find her child come back safe. Who knows the import behind this incident? He thereby, made it clear; that someone else who was born and He is unborn as such entered the body only after natural milk of the mother got pure.

After few days of the above incident a Faquir with long hairs came before his house. His revered mother offered some alms for him. The Faquir refused to accept anything, saying that he had visited only to have a glimpse of her child. It indicates the signs of His greatness and confirmed the fact that He was the Puran Sadguru (Perfect Master). At this mother feared and refused to bring the child before the Faquir. But the Faquir was insisting on seeing the child. In the meanwhile Pandit Hemraj ji approached there and came to know the wishes of the Faquir. Pandit Ji turned to His mother and said, “There is no harm in bringing the child out to attain blessings alone.” The Faqir apprised Pandit ji about his intent desire to see the child. Then Pandit Ji brought the child before the Faquir, who took Him in his arms and for some time kept gazing at Him; very affectionately asked Him, ‘Do you recognize me?” The child looked at his face and smiled. Before Pandit Ji took inside and laid Him in the cradle, the Faqir was nowhere to be found. Pandit ji made an intensive search for the faquir, but the faquir disappeared. It seemed as if some god from heaven had come in disguise to have His divine look.’ It is indeed beyond the human intellect to guess as to whom that Faquir was, but his wish was duly fulfilled by seeing the smile on the Divine Child’s face. This incident also reminds us the Child days of lord shri Krishna, when god shiva in form of faquir with matted hair came to Gokul to have a glimpse of bal gopal (divine infant), mother yashoda expressed her inability to meet his demand as she had harboured the idea, that perhaps the Faqir might conjure her child. But the Faquir was also adamant and insisted on seeing the child. After several requests mother yashoda brought the child before him, the faquir then took the divine child in his arms and looked at with great devotion. As such same incident repeats here.
Since childhood He never went to any school but whenever any person would ask Him to study, He would begin discussion in detail on some spiritual topic. He used to ask whether bookish knowledge alone was the measure to know the depth of one understands. Greatness, according to Him, lay in knowing one’s own self. Even intelligent and highly educated people surprised at it. In fact He studied that lesson from where all education originates. When He grew about nine years old, He would go to the mountain caves bare footed in order to get absorbed there in meditation, if anyone noticed Him in meditation He would change the place of meditation, as real Saints never allowed to be known as great.
When Second Guru was hardly thirteen, family members insisted Him to take interest in business in order to share burden. But He had come from Heaven to trade in Truth and not to get Himself engaged in worldly affairs. That was why He never paid any attention to business. If ever He sat in the shop and a customer asked for some goods He would give and never ask for money. As such family members asked him not to do business and do whatever you want. He has come in the world to liberate one and all. Emperors of the world could not equal even the dust of His sacred feet.

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