Sunday 5 March 2017

The Vastu Entrance

The last article had to be devoted exclusively to questions from our esteemed subscribers since these had got suspended over the unfortunate gap. In the article preceding immediately we covered the premise whereby we establish regional affinity of the entire interior to related functions or nature of activity. That explains the steps taken in allotment of slots to the job requirements. These functions will now be taken up individually step by step in detail.

The Entrance:
Cautiously enough, this should not be confused with the main gate of the compound wall. Which has been covered earlier at the appropriate stage. Here it relates to the entry into the main structure bounded by its own walls. Entrance, physically, appears to be having an insignificant bit of the building in relation to the magnitude of its interior. But in fact, it governs all the subsequent exercise shaping the course of action in the interior. Hence, utmost care needs be taken in choosing the location of the entrance as also its features. This ensures success in our search for happiness in utilizing the space enclosed in the building. 

The factors governing the main entrance have one  feature common with that of the main gate of the compound wall. This is with regard to the basic location related to the Disha, i.e. the direction. The diagram alongside will corroborate this for the viewers. 
It is to be noticed that the location of the entrance is prescribed on each of the four sides. This reminds us of the location of the gate in the compound wall and here the similarity ends. An entrance located at the north side or at the east side at the appropriate place in the building is OK in itself. But the main entrance provided at the south or the west needs additional support. A main entrance at the south, even at the appropriate place is not enough in itself. It has to be accompanied by a corresponding entrance, though smaller, at the appropriate place at the north and/or the east side also. Again, a main entrance alone at the west at the appropriate place in itself may not deleterious, but it would considerably add to the well being in the house if a corresponding entrance, though smaller, is provided at the eastern  or  the northern side at the usual appropriate place as already explained.

Whenever entrance doors are required in two directions, one of the two must be planned in  the east or the north. Similarly, where the entrance doors are required in three directions, two must be allotted in the east and the north; the third may be had at the west or the south as the situation demands . 
Slightly varying views may be noticed in some quarters on this subject if we go into deeper and more elaborate details. But with the sharply declining space available these days the information given in the preceding paragraph  is a fairly good guide generally for most of the homes and commercial establishments.  There are enough factors already in the house which admit little compromise and call for more scrupulous  handling.

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Features Supportive of the Main Entrance:
The main entrance holds a unique position in relation to the rest of the doors in the house. Hence, additional  care is required in attending to the requirements of this door. The guidelines are as follows:

The size of this door should be larger and appearance more impressive than those of other doors. If the shortcoming is noticed in the door, the immediate need is not to run for replacement right away. Instead, the remedy lies in giving an artful decorative treatment along the margin zone around the main frame to make it stand out and speak for itself as most prominent.  All the same, it is imperative that the magnitude of the height be maintained at 1.5 times the width of the door. Since most of the doors these days are 6 feet x 3 feet, the size 6.5 x 3.5 feet for the main door would be quite suitable. Where a fanlight is deemed necessary, the width of the door has to be increased proportionately.
The timber deployed in the making of this door should of the best quality available, preferably Teak. Else, any other good quality timber may be used but it should be of the same type throughout and also well seasoned. 

The shutter in this door is to fixed ensuring that on opening it moves towards the inside of the house and not outward.

As far as possible this door should be provided with dual shutters opening to 180 degrees. However, where the space is subject to limitation, single shutter may be accepted in which case,when viewed from the outside,  the shutter is mounted to the left side.

The main frame of the door is to be fixed ensuring that it is off the close by wall by about two feet. But where, as in modern homes, space is limited, the gap may be retained at a minimum of 5 inches.
In arched entrances the shutter should not follow the pattern of the arch. Its rectangular shape should be retained and the gap above be attended with a fixed semicircular artifact. A divider in between the two comes as a part of the main frame.

The main entrance must be provided with a threshold (door sill). Practically speaking, this is a safety measure against the trespassing insects, rodents and reptiles which are otherwise invited by the passage lurking in the space, howsoever small, between the shutter and the floor where the sill is not provided. In addition, in terms of Vastu, the missing fourth side of the frame which rests firmly on the floor represents the element composed of fulfilment, wholesomeness and stability. 

The shutter should have a single panel. If more, the number should be uneven.
The level of the main entrance should be a little higher than the approach way. The steps leading onto it should be odd in number.

The passage along the main entrance should permit smooth circulation avoiding confrontation of, say, a staircase or booster pump.
Care should also be exercised to ensure that the entrance does not face the main entrance of the house on the opposite side.

The fixing of the main frame of the door must be done at an auspicious Muhurta.
On auspicious and festive days  the entrance is to be decorated with Haldi and Chandan paste (Turmeric and Sandalwood) paste along with “toran”, i.e., a cord knotted with mango leaves.
The entrance calls for fixing a decent image above and putting the signs of swastika along the sides.
A temple facing the entrance is an unfavourable feature for the house. See how the idol faces. If the idol’s eyes are trained on the main entrance of the house in question the adverse is substantially reduced. So also is the case where the temple is on the other side of the road and the distance to it from the house is at least 80 feet. In any case, it is preferable to screen off the view with the help of a sufficiently raised  compound wall as also by planting approved shady shrubs (or even trees if the direction is west or south) to bar the unfavourable feature.  
With this we come to the end of this blog.

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